I'll be presenting an academic paper at this year's meeting of the European Shakespeare Research Association in Montpellier, France. The theme of this year's conference is Shakespeare & Myth. I'll be on a panel discussing "Protean Shakespeare: Adapting, Tradapting, Performing Early Modern Plays," talking about how prose fiction adaptations of Hamlet (including works by Salman Rushdie, John Updike, and Margaret Atwood as well as my own novel The Lunatic, the Lover and the Poet ) can be considered as non-theatrical "productions" of the play, and comparing "traditionalist" and avant-garde approaches to such intertextual fiction. This conference looks really exciting overall, with theatrical workshops and events as well as academic papers, so if you're in striking distance of Montpellier, France between June 26th-29th, come by and say Bonjour!